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All stem cell therapies are not created equal
Researchers have found that two of the most frequently administered stem cell therapies, which are often used interchangeably, actually contain completely different types of cells.
Allogeneic disc progenitor cells may improve outcomes for patients with disc degeneration
High-dose allogeneic disc progenitor cells may provide a regenerative solution for lumbar degenerative disc disease, as patients demonstrated clinical improvements for pain and disc volume up to 2 years, according to published results.
Stem cell therapy could be breakthrough against type 1 diabetes
An experimental stem cell therapy can essentially cure type 1 diabetes by restoring insulin production in some patients, early clinical trial results show.
Medicare Coverage for Stem Cell Therapy
Medicare covers FDA-approved stem cell therapies for bleeding disorders and certain cancers, though out-of-pocket costs can still be high. Medicare Advantage or supplement plans may help with the cost.
Recent trends of stem cell therapies in The management of orthopedic surgical challenges
The capacity of the stem cells to renovate themselves and adapt into different cell types made it possible to implement its use as a regenerative slant. Harvesting the stem cells, particularly mesenchymal stem cells is easier and can be further grown in vitro.
Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapy for Bone Repair of Human Hip Osteonecrosis with Bilateral Match-Control Evaluation: Impact of Tissue Source, Cell Count, Disease Stage, and Volume Size on 908 Hips
We investigated the impact of mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) therapy on treating bilateral human hip osteonecrosis, analyzing 908 cases. This study assesses factors such as tissue source and cell count, comparing core decompression with various cell therapies.
Study documents safety, improvements from stem cell therapy after spinal cord injury
A Mayo Clinic study shows stem cells derived from patients' own fat are safe and may improve sensation and movement after traumatic spinal cord injuries.